Our news
Due to the great success of our Orri trial last season, we have increased our volumes of this easy peeling mandarin from Israel. Make sure you don’t miss your opportunity to receive some of this exceptionally sweet, beautiful fruit!
Due to the great success of our Orri trial last season, we have increased our volumes of this easy peeling mandarin from Israel. Make sure you don’t miss your opportunity to receive some of this exceptionally sweet, beautiful fruit!
Lemon plums from Chile will add color and excitement to the stone fruit display a little longer this year, as volumes increase and the unique yellow fruit edges into the mainstream.
Oppy, which represents the largest slice of the lemon plum crop, will ship them through the second week in March.
These aromatic, teardrop-shaped plums have a bright yellow skin that blushes as they ripen. Tasty, sweet and too pretty to resist, lemon plums will be available in one short week in one-pound pouch bags.
White flesh nectarines have just arrived from leading grower Verfrut, on both the East and West Coasts. Don’t miss this juicy opportunity!
GAR Jumbo has red skin with a yellow flesh with the natural bloom and brix of 15. This is a true Jumbo plum with peak sizing at 30s and 40s. Arriving Manfredi on February 15th.
The first Outrageously Fresh specialty tomato mason jar bags are rolling off the line this week at SunSelect’s Tehachapi, Calif. facility, signifying the first step in a larger plan for these packs to become the bag of choice at retail—in the greenhouse section and beyond.
Savor the flavor of our satisfying Peruvian mangos. Good volumes are on the water for both conventional and organic varieties. Don’t delay, call today.
Enjoy the sweet, rich flavor of a Suntinas from Israel! Available now until only mid-February in Western Canada. Time flies when you are enjoying Suntinas!
Outrageously Fresh specialty tomatoes available now! These mason jar style bags are brimming over with juicy grape, cherry, and gourmet medley tomatoes from SunSelect. Get ready to revolutionize snacking by stocking these convenient, exciting packs in your produce department today!
If you’ve never tried Honeycrisp from Nova Scotia, you’re in for a treat. Grown on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, they’re crisp, juicy and ready to deliver that signature Honeycrisp crunch your customers love today. We’re offering these ever-popular apples in bulk or 3-lb bags. Supplies are limited!
You’ll love Outrageously Fresh cucumbers from Divemex! Greenhouse grown, crunchy and refreshing, every time. Available now!
Chilean peaches and nectarines are back in season! Bring some sunshine to your winter days because before long this fruit will be gone!
A group of Washington apple growers handing out apples beneath a bright Envy apple billboard in New York’s Times Square caused such a stir that throngs of curious onlookers stopped to catch a glimpse of the would-be celebrities.
And for good reason. We have come to the end of our organic Pacific Rose season. Thank you to our customers for your support and to our growers for such a beautiful crop. We sold out in record time.
The first Moroccan clementines of the season are here! With the holidays right around the corner, this flavorful fruit won’t be around for long! Sold in 5lb boxes, this is the perfect gift for teachers, coaches, friends, or as a give-away for that old favorite tradition of going caroling!
Available January 2016! Watch for grapes, cherries, and medley tomatoes all California grown, all from SunSelect, and all outrageously fresh!
Get ready for the holiday party season with Envy™ apples.
Ruby-red Envy™ apples are perfect for festive entertaining. Not only do they resist browning when cut, making them a nice addition to cheese plates and salads, they add a decadent sweet touch everyone will love.
Strawberry production out of Mexico is well underway! Crops are expected to be heavy for the next three months with excellent fruit quality that is sure to keep your customers coming back for more.
Beautiful Peruvian grapes are available in the Eastern U.S. We’re offering the full range – red and green seedless, and red globes, and they are looking marvelous!
More and more customers are discovering the creamy, tasty texture of Mexican grown Mevi avocados. Try one and see for yourself.
These pears are grown in Chile with such care and attention especially for you and your customers. Look for them in springtime 2016.
No need to say more. These beauties won’t be on the floor for long.
Oppy chairman, president and CEO John Anderson joined Ernst and Young’s other 2015 Canadian Entrepreneurs of the Year to open the market at the Toronto Stock Exchange on November 25.
National Canadian judges for the program along with alumni and the EY leadership team accompanied them in celebration of their winning achievements. Anderson was initially selected as the program’s 2015 Pacific region winner for the food and beverage category, and ultimately chosen as the overall regional winner in September.
Our first arrivals of Long English cucumbers from Campana in Mexico are here. They are ready to move from our cooler to yours.
You have been waiting, and we are ready to deliver organic Tommy Atkins mangoes from Ecuador to the East Coast starting Nov 16. Volumes are scheduled to arrive weekly providing a steady supply until the beginning of January, which will dovetail nicely with the start of our Peruvian mango program.
SunSelect peppers are now available from their expanded facility in Tehachapi. This California greenhouse is the first and only large scale facility producing all three colors throughout the year. What a tasty way to get your daily dose of vitamin C!
The quality of our new crop organic Pacific Rose apples from Washington is outstanding this season. This apple is coming in with great color, it is crisp, and has high brix levels. You and your customers will be delighted.
With the holidays just around the corner, how about suggesting healthy snack alternatives for family and friends to celebrate with? Just say the word and we will help you pair up JAZZ apples and Justin’s nut butters in promotions that will delivery healthy sales!
Why choose when you don’t have to? Enza apple varieties are ready for shipping. Provide the options and let your customers pick from the three best apples of the Washington harvest!