Sweet, luscious plums grown on these very trees at LQ Fruit will be available from Oppy in mid-February!
Enjoy this sampling of a recent Zespri contest. Winners will be announced by early October.
These eye-catching displays do inspire!
Capture those late-summer sales by enticing customers with these beautiful yellow peppers from SunSelect. Carry all three colors for a mouth-watering presentation. The BBQ awaits!
Fresh crop mangoes from Brazil are scheduled to arrive the first week of September. These Tommys, with their beautiful high color, will make an eye-catching display!
Tango clementines are super sweet and always seedless. Available from Peru in limited supply!
Call your BDR today to plan your next in-store demo, and put this simple event to work for you. While these impressive stats cover a recent Taylor's Gold pear demo – sales spiked almost 500% during the event week! – outstanding sales lifts are achievable when you demo virtually any item.
Seedless and easy to peel, discerning shoppers choose our Minneolas for lunchboxes and snacks on-the-go—just pop the top and dig in!
Our friends at SunSelect are making great progress with their new facility in Tehachapi, Calif. Plants are going in next week and production is slated to begin in mid-October. We’re looking forward bringing you some of the best greenhouse grown TOVs, cocktail tomatoes and peppers in the business this fall.
While many choose cucumbers for a snack or even as dessert, according to The Packer Fresh Trends 2014, 77% are purchased as a salad ingredient. And what better choice to add refreshment to a bowl of leafy greens than our greenhouse-grown long English cucumbers? Thin skinned and seedless, and grown to the high standard of the SunSelect brand, cross merchandise these high quality cukes with bagged salads and bottled dressing for speedy sales.
The reviews are in! No gassed green Roma can compete with the vine-ripened flavor of Oceanside Pole tomatoes. Shipped to your color specifications, these Romas are a summer sales blockbuster!
There’s no time like the present to promote the freshest apples in town. Braeburn, Fuji, Grannies, JAZZ and more…group them up and lift your sales.
These sweet little pals are big on taste. And convenience. Size up your displays for greater grab-and-go sales!
but for homegrown tomato taste, Oceanside Pole is second to none. Clean slicing and shipped to your color spec, they’re perfect for summer cross promotions with grilling ingredients, picnic sandwich goodies, and fresh, tasty salad greens!
Your customers will take a shine to these sunny W Murcotts! Peru’s finest easy-peelers, these sweet little seedless oranges taste just as good as they look.
With over a decade of fresh produce experience behind him, Donald Slot joined The Oppenheimer Group’s sales team ready to hit the ground running in late July.
As Oppy’s new Toronto-based sales representative, he will market the company’s full assortment to Eastern Canadian customers.
Not only is legendary grower Harry Singh Jr. growing tomatoes, he is also growing sales! By sharing his smile and his story with Albertsons shoppers in Southern California, Mr. Singh is creating excitement about the Oceanside Pole brand. Growing locally since 1940, his family knows tomatoes like no other. And now, people buying his harvest can get to know him a little bit as well.
It’s been a great season at Orchard View Farms! We packed our very last box of the year yesterday. We’ll ship a little longer, so don’t miss out on the final days of this sweet deal. Thank you!
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Vancouver, BC ― Sweet citrus snacks are abundant now at Oppy, as the marketer adds fruit from Uruguay to its summer offerings.
Early shipments of Uruguayan lemons―which sold out in a flash―were followed by Clementines and Navels that will be available through August. This is Oppy’s first offering of fruit from Uruguay, which was granted access to the U.S. market in 2013.
A recent Clemson University study revealed that wooden crates are looked at 46% more and 10% quicker than other in-store displays. What a perfect way to experience Zespri and drive organic sales!
Kudos to Safeway for this great big display and amazing support for Envy apples!
We brought our best to the latest Fresh Produce and Floral Council Expo, where we caught up with old friends and connected with new onces from throught the industry. Well-attended by Southern California's retail community, this was a great opportunity to talk up the season's finest – including our new eat brighter! Sesame Street campaign – over a refreshing Zespri kiwifruit smoothie
Oppy BDR Garland and Sales Rep Kori paid a visit to Oceanside, touring the tomato fields with customers and catching up with legendary grower Harry Singh Jr. on the current harvest.
Want to visit? Contant your BDR and we'll take care of you!
From the field to the store to the plate, Oceanside Pole tomatoes are sure to satisfy!
Vancouver residents were in for a special treat this week, when Japanese mandarins, the traditional Christmas favorites, made a brief appearance at Urban Fare. The original easy-peel oranges are now grown in Japanese greenhouses, making them available briefly in the summer. Sweet!
Vancouver, BC ― JAZZ apples are putting their money where your mouth is.
Through Crunch to Contribute, a social media campaign that offers a $1 donation to the American or Canadian Diabetes Association in exchange for every JAZZ apple photo uploaded to www.jazzapple.com/c2c, people everywhere are crunching for a cause.