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And not just for school! How about making these sweet, juicy clementines available for your customers as they plan for a day at the beach, pool, or park? 3-lb bags from Chile are ready when you are.

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Summer salads will taste great with our Peruvian avocados from Camposol. Optimal growing conditions are producing high quality fruit. Volumes are available from now until August. Time is running out!

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Our news

July is here, which means it’s harvest time at West Coast Tomato Growers, home of the famed Oceanside Pole vine-ripe round and roma tomatoes from distinguished grower Harry Singh, Jr. and marketed exclusively by Oppy.

Following an excellent growing season and impressive first pick, Oppy is now shipping both types of tomatoes.

Our news

We’re currently shipping our first pick of Cal-Tom brand vine-ripened Romas from West Coast Tomato Growers in Oceanside. We’ll pack them to your color spec today!

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Refreshingly tangy and sweet, this eye-catching red beauty has it all. With a firm, crisp texture, sweet taste and superior shelf life, Smitten is truly an apple you will fall in love with. Available now through July.

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Our news

Our Mexican blackberry season is coming to a close. We’ve enjoyed terrific berries from grower partner Harvest 52 for the last several months, and know you will join us in anticipating more excellent fruit from this Guadalajara grower in August!

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The first week of summer brings one of the season’s favorite flavors—BC-grown blueberries—into the market earlier than ever from The Oppenheimer Group.

Grown just down the road from the company headquarters, BC blueberries have become a signature item for the marketer in recent years. This season, the fruit is ten to 14 days earlier than usual, according to Jason Fung, Oppy’s director of category development.

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Look who’s looking good in the summer editions of Edible Vancouver and Edible Seattle Magazines! Local shoppers flipping through these deliciously beautiful publications will discover OriginO peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes and seek them at your stores all season long.

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Summer season and sweet bell peppers go hand in hand. From grilling to salads, veggie plates and more, peppers are perfect for summer promotions. Be sure to carry all the colors and bags to maximize sales! 

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Pretty on the outside, intriguing on the inside, papple blends the intensest of apple flavors with the sweetest of pears. Actually a cross between Asian and European pears, papple commands attention on the shelf. Available now, fresh from New Zealand.

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Make your Independence Day celebrations more memorable with fresh cherries from Orchard View Farms. Promotion opportunities are available, let us know your needs.

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Calling all blueberry fans! For the first time, BC and NJ blueberries are both coming into season at the same time. Pints and 2-lb packs are available starting June 22. Be sure to provide your customers with a steady supply.

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…with your shoppers on social media before and after they purchase tasty OriginO peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes at your stores. Origin Organic Farms posts recipes and serving ideas, and shares an inside look at what it takes to grow top quality greenhouse organics. Be part of the conversation today by following OriginO on Facebook and Twitter.


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These sweet, juicy Mexican seedless red grapes practically sell themselves. Your customers won’t be able to resist them, and we sure can’t blame them. This fruit is just that good. 

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The first of our Navel oranges from South Africa have arrived. They are so pretty no wonder they are called the "pride of our land."  

These seedless oranges boast a brilliant orange color, easy to peel skin, and are juicy and sweet.

Available through September in bulk15 kg/33 lb boxes. Bags also available. Order yours today!

Ask about point of sale header cards, too.

Our news

Construction is on track at SunSelect Produce’s new facility in Tehachapi, Calif., promising significantly greater volumes of sweet bell peppers—and more—this fall.

The high-tech greenhouse expansion will double the capacity of SunSelect’s original 32-acre Tehachapi facility, which opened in October 2014.

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Students at Sacramento’s New Joseph Bonneheim Elementary School enjoyed more fruits and vegetables as the school year wrapped up, thanks to a local retailer, a crunchy apple, and a lot of pedal power.

During the first week in June, Greg Corrigan, Raley’s senior director of produce and floral and Garland Perkins, business development representative for the Oppenheimer Group joined school officials and students to dedicate its new salad bar.

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Here’s Oppy Business Development Rep Kyra Jennings, reporting from Tehachapi:

“Sun Select Tehachapi puts innovation and quality into a whole new light. With a state-of-the-art greenhouse, growing methods that not only produce great quantity but great quality, and a knowledgeable staff and crew to oversee the growing, harvesting, and packaging process it is no wonder I give these tomatoes two big thumbs up!”

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Who could resist Elmo or this eye catching display of beautiful red grapes?

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Join the tomato taste revolution with Oceanside Pole vine ripes.

Harvest begins in just a few short weeks:

Vine ripe Romas June 22

Vine ripe Rounds (slicers) June 29

Preorders available now!


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THE DALLES, ORE.—Harvest is underway at Orchard View Farms, where expectations are high for a fast-paced, top-quality season.

Orchard View packed its first Chelans last weekend, with Rainiers set to follow in about a week, and Bings not far behind.

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…we pick the very best ones for our customers! The season’s first shipment from Chile is on the water now. They’re bright, they’re juicy, and they’re ready to add a little zest to the summer citrus category. Available in two short weeks!

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Rumor has it that tomatoes from Oceanside Pole cannot be missed this season. The plants are growing to impress. Romas will be ready June 22 and rounds the following week. Secure your volumes today.

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These large, succulent, sweet delights from Mexico will knock it out of the park and will have your customers running back for more! Now available.

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We’ve added more fruit from South Africa this season, and these beautiful groves show just how good it will be. Our navels and easy-peelers from Citrusdal round out a summer citrus program that’s now five countries strong. Look for South African navels week 24, and clementines week 26.

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Cherries from Orchard View Farms are almost ready for picking! Two varieties to choose from; Rainiers and Reds! First red cherry shipments start this weekend, with Rainiers about 10 days out. Display both in these eye-catching pouch bags for best results.

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With displays like this, the last Pacific Rose apples of the season will be out the door in no time! We love the snack-ready position for end-of-shopping impulse purchases, and the namesake flowers to help sales grow!

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From the branch to the bowl, the journey of a New Zealand JAZZ apple to market is chronicled in a new video from brand owner Turners & Growers (T&G).